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Tinley Park, IL DUI Defense Attorney

DUI Lawyer Defending Against Drunk Driving Charges in Tinley Park, IL

As the 25th-largest city in Illinois, the vibrant village of Tinley Park has a wide variety of sports bars, restaurants, breweries, and entertainment venues that serve alcohol. Although the state has harsh laws meant to prevent driving while under the influence, many motorists are charged with DUI. Whether you made a poor decision or have been falsely accused of drunk driving, you will suffer some sobering consequences if you are convicted, even for a first offense.

By partnering with the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., you can significantly impact the outcome of your DUI charge. Attorney Barker will leverage his extensive experience, legal knowledge, and unwavering determination to develop a robust defense strategy designed to secure the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today for a free case review, and let us begin the process of investigating your arrest and building your defense.

DUI Charges in Tinley Park

Driving under the influence does not always involve alcohol. Over-the-counter remedies, illegal drugs, prescription medications, or medical or recreational marijuana can also impair motorists to the point that safe driving is not possible. These impairments can lead to dangerous behaviors such as weaving between lanes, traveling at erratic speeds, running red lights, and reckless driving. These and similar actions may lead a police officer to pull you over for a moving violation, and they may arrest you on DUI charges.

Most first and second DUI charges are misdemeanors, but some specific circumstances may elevate these to felony charges. A third or subsequent DUI arrest will likely result in felony charges with progressively more severe consequences. Unless you win a not-guilty verdict or your case is dismissed, a DUI conviction will remain on your driving record and criminal record permanently. This information will appear on background checks conducted by potential employers, landlords, benefit programs, and financial institutions.

Consequences of a DUI Conviction

Even for a first-time DUI conviction, there are serious consequences, which may include:

  • Up to one year in jail
  • Fines of up to $2,500
  • The installation of an ignition interlock device in your vehicle
  • Driver's license revocation for up to one year
  • Probation
  • Mandatory classes or treatment programs

You may be eligible for court supervision rather than jail time, but there is no guarantee. Along with these short-term consequences, you will probably see a significant increase in your auto insurance rates for several years. You might also have trouble with residential, employment, and loan applications. If your job depends on your eligibility to drive, you may face termination. At the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., we understand how high the stakes are. We will work diligently to help you beat your DUI charge.

Fighting a DUI Charge

Attorney Barker will work tirelessly to build a solid criminal defense strategy. He will thoroughly investigate your arrest, review field sobriety test and chemical BAC test results, and sift through all the details to gather the evidence needed to fight DUI charges. We often find procedural or technical errors that may result in a dismissal or reduced charges. We can also explain that other factors caused your driving behaviors or chemical test results. These may include:

  • Improperly calibrated breath test equipment produced inaccurate results.
  • Officers had no probable cause for your initial traffic stop or subsequent DUI arrest.
  • An injury, illness, health condition, or diet was the cause of sobriety test results.
  • Your blood alcohol concentration rose significantly after your traffic stop.

At the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., we will devise a comprehensive defense strategy that will protect your rights and best interests. Our goal is to help you avoid a conviction and resolve your case while minimizing the potential penalties.

Contact Our Tinley Park, Illinois DUI Defense Lawyer

When your future is at stake, you need an effective lawyer by your side. Attorney Barker has a reputation for winning cases by aggressively advocating for our clients. Attorney Barker will personally handle your Tinley Park DUI case. Your consultation is free, so contact us today at 708-321-1223 to discuss your case with our dedicated criminal defense attorney.

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