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Orland Park Criminal Defense Lawyer

Aggressive Criminal Defense Attorney Defending Clients in Orland Park, IL

When it comes to criminal charges, a minor mistake can have major consequences. The U.S. Constitution says that you are innocent until proven guilty, but law enforcement officers and prosecutors may act otherwise. The outcome of your case and its impact on your future depends, in part, on choosing the right attorney to represent you.

You need a criminal defense lawyer who believes in you and who will aggressively safeguard your rights, someone who will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Attorney J. Francis Barker is here to provide effective legal representation for you.

You Deserve a Second Chance

A single criminal charge can have a devastating impact on your life, even if you are found innocent. The legal system often sees defendants solely in terms of the action associated with the charge against them, not as a good person who may have made a mistake. Various factors, such as stress, addictions, peer pressure, and mental health conditions, can influence short-term behaviors.

The best outcome in your case would be to have the charges against you dropped. Other favorable outcomes may include an acquittal or eligibility for one of Illinois' diversion programs. If you qualify for a diversion program after a misdemeanor charge, your charges can be deferred and dismissed once you complete the terms of probation.

When you work with our team, we will build a strong case that identifies you as a whole person, investigate the circumstances surrounding your charges, and help you determine the best of your available options for defense.

Criminal Charges We Handle

Our firm has proven experience representing people charged with misdemeanor crimes. Even first-time offenders can face serious consequences if they are convicted. You could have to pay fines and potentially spend time in jail. A conviction can also make it harder to find employment, and it can distance you from family members and friends.


Illinois has strict DUI laws to deter people from drunk driving. There are several ways you can beat a DUI charge, however. The legal team at the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. will investigate your case to see whether these or other circumstances apply:

  • Lack of probable cause for your traffic stop
  • Improper behavior or misconduct of the law enforcement officer who stopped you
  • Failure to perform field sobriety tests properly
  • Inaccurate breathalyzer or blood test results
  • Health issues or other reasons that can provide false evidence of intoxication

There are many more defense strategies that we can employ to fight your DUI charge. We will advise you on the steps you can take to protect your best interests, avoid the loss of your driver's license, and resolve your case successfully.

Traffic Crimes

Various actions taken while driving can result in misdemeanor traffic crime charges. The Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. handles cases involving charges such as:

  • Speeding at 26 mph or more above posted limits
  • Reckless driving
  • Driving with a suspended or revoked license
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Drag racing

Punishment for these and other similar traffic crimes may include jail time, fines, or both. Attorney J. Francis Barker will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Drug Crimes

Various drug-related crimes are considered misdemeanors. These include:

  • Possession of drug paraphernalia without an intent to sell
  • Possession of between 30 and 100 grams of marijuana

Exceptions may apply. Depending on the circumstances of an alleged offense and the substances involved, law enforcement officials may file more serious charges against you, which may result in felony charges. With the assistance of our experienced criminal defense attorney, you may be able to dispute or lessen your charges. Mr. Barker will provide aggressive representation to help you demonstrate your innocence or minimize your charges by participating in drug treatment or other diversion programs.

Domestic Battery

Unfortunately, some people falsely accuse others of domestic violence to further their own ends. In other cases, stress, high emotions, intoxication, or other factors may cause you to act without considering the consequences.

Domestic battery is a serious charge. If convicted, your ability to spend time with your children, your employment, and your relationships with others may be affected. The Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. can help you mitigate these consequences by preparing a strong defense and working to have these charges reduced or dropped.

Contact Our Dedicated Orland Park, IL Criminal Defense Attorney

When you face criminal charges, you need a diligent lawyer who is dedicated to making a real difference in the outcome of your case. Choosing the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. to represent you means that Attorney J. Francis Barker will handle your case personally and will not pass it on to an associate. He will advocate for your rights and develop strategies to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us at 708-321-1223 today to set up a free consultation with our skilled Orland Park criminal defense attorney.

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