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Orland Park Domestic Battery Lawyer

Aggressive Domestic Battery Defense Attorney Representing Orland Park, IL

Being charged with domestic battery can have serious repercussions, even for first-time offenses. Law enforcement officers who respond to domestic dispute calls often have an "arrest first, ask questions later" attitude. What may have started as a simple argument or a false accusation can have the potential to permanently alter your future. Choosing the right lawyer to defend you can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your case.

You need an attorney who truly believes that you are innocent until proven guilty and who will fiercely fight to protect your best interests. The Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. stands ready to mount a strategic defense to ensure the best possible outcome. Attorney Barker will not hand your case to an associate; he will handle it personally from our conveniently located office in Orland Park. We proudly serve defendants in Cook, DuPage, and Will Counties.

Defining Domestic Battery

Unlike assault, which involves a threat of violence, domestic battery consists of intentionally causing bodily harm to a family member or physically contacting a family member in a provocative or insulting way. Under Illinois domestic violence laws, a family member can be:

  • Your spouse or ex-spouse
  • Your current or ex-girlfriend or boyfriend
  • Your children, siblings, or parents
  • A caregiver or care receiver
  • A roommate

Domestic battery charges may lead to an Order of Protection, and violations of the restrictions put in place by one of these orders can lead to additional criminal charges.

False Accusations of Domestic Battery in Northern Illinois

People who live together do not always agree with each other, and arguments can escalate without warning. Illinois takes a strong stance against domestic violence, but some people may make false accusations, exaggerate conflicts, or manipulate situations to their advantage. This often happens when a divorce or child custody battle is looming. Even if the alleged victim later wants to drop the charges, prosecutors may continue their case against you.

When you choose our team, we will investigate your charges. If false or exaggerated accusations were made, we will work diligently to find evidence that proves it. We understand that a conviction for domestic battery has serious consequences, and we do not want you to suffer them needlessly.

Misdemeanor Domestic Battery Charges

If convicted of domestic battery, you could potentially be sentenced to up to one year in a county jail, fined up to $2,500, be required to receive mandatory treatment or take domestic violence prevention classes, be subject to an Order of Protection, or face other legal penalties. A domestic battery conviction may have far-reaching effects on your life, such as:

  • Problems finding or keeping housing or a job
  • Child custody or visitation restrictions
  • Friends and family distancing themselves from you
  • Civil personal injury claims seeking financial compensation

A domestic battery conviction will remain permanently on your record without the possibility of it being removed, expunged, or sealed. Any background check will expose your criminal conviction.

The Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. Can Help You Clear Your Name

There are several potential defenses to domestic battery charges, and Attorney Barker will consider all of them as he builds your defense. These may include:

  • Inconsistent statements by the alleged victim, whether to prosecutors, medical professionals, law enforcement officers, or others
  • Social media posts or text messages that reveal the alleged victim's falsehoods
  • A lack of sufficient evidence
  • Evidence that the alleged victim's injuries were due to other causes
  • Arguments that you were acting in self-defense
  • Consented to physical contact by the alleged victim

You should always exercise your right to remain silent if you are accused of or arrested for domestic battery. Call our office immediately so Attorney Barker can be present for any questioning to help you avoid making incriminating statements.

Contact Our Orland Park, Illinois Domestic Battery Defense Attorney

If domestic battery charges are threatening your future, you need a dedicated lawyer by your side to advocate for your rights and protect your best interests. At the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., we are determined to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us at 708-321-1223 today for your free consultation with our skilled domestic violence defense attorney.

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