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Palos Heights DUI Defense Lawyer

Experienced Palos Heights DUI Defense Lawyer Protecting Your Future

If you are charged with a DUI in Palos Heights, Illinois, your future, finances, and freedom are at stake. Illinois takes a strong stance against driving under the influence. Strict laws addressing drunk driving may impose harsh penalties for people who are arrested or convicted. To beat a DUI charge, you need to work with an effective lawyer who will always advocate for your rights and best interests.

At the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., we firmly believe that a strong offense is the best defense. We will work diligently to establish the reasonable doubt necessary to win your case. Attorney Barker will personally handle your case, working to ensure that you will be able to achieve the best possible outcome. His extensive legal knowledge, considerable experience, and sharp skills can make a significant difference. Contact us today for a free consultation to discover how we can assist you.

Understanding DUI Charges

If your blood alcohol concentration is 0.08 percent or higher, you are considered to be legally intoxicated in Illinois. Driving under the influence does not always mean your BAC is that high; if over-the-counter or prescription medications, alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs impair your driving abilities, you may be charged with DUI.

A law enforcement officer must have probable cause to pull you over, such as observing you committing a traffic crime like speeding, running a stop sign, or reckless driving. After you are stopped, the officer must also have probable cause to arrest you on suspicion of DUI. Valid reasons for an arrest may include smelling alcohol on your breath or seeing drug paraphernalia or an open alcoholic beverage in your vehicle.

The officer will likely ask you to undergo field sobriety tests. If you agree to these tests, the results can be used against you as evidence of your intoxication or inability to drive safely. While you can refuse these tests or decline to take a portable breathalyzer test during a traffic stop, you may still be arrested for DUI. After your arrest, you will be required to take a chemical test that analyzes your breath, blood, or urine, and refusal will result in the suspension of your driver's license.

Specific circumstances determine whether DUI may be charged as a misdemeanor or felony. If you have previous DUI convictions, the penalties you will face become progressively worse, but even a first offense can have drastic consequences, including:

  • Fines
  • Jail time or court supervision
  • Driver's license revocation
  • Mandatory treatment programs
  • Probation
  • The installation of an ignition interlock device
  • A permanent mark on your criminal and driving records

As if these consequences are not bad enough, your conviction will appear on background checks, which may affect your ability to find or keep a job. You may not qualify for some loans or housing options, and your auto insurance rates will skyrocket. You do not have to accept a conviction without fighting, but you will put yourself in a much stronger position if you partner with the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C..

Let Our Team Create Reasonable Doubt in Your Palos Heights DUI Case

At the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., we will examine every shred of evidence against you, searching for ways to support your innocence and discredit the prosecution's case. During our investigation, we will look for procedural or technical errors that may make some evidence inadmissible, such as:

  • Ways to prove the test results were inaccurate
  • Evidence that test equipment was not calibrated properly
  • Proving that the arresting officer did not follow proper procedures, such as failing to give you the Miranda warning or not complying with mandatory procedures for administering sobriety tests
  • Speaking with eyewitnesses who can corroborate your claim of sobriety

We will also find any alternate reasons for your driving behavior or failed sobriety tests, such as a health or dietary condition, injury, or illness. We will leave no stone unturned, building a solid and comprehensive defense to help you get the best possible results.

Set up a Free Consultation With Our Palos Heights, IL DUI Defense Attorney

With your future at stake, you need to choose the right attorney as your advocate when defending against a DUI conviction. The Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. can help you fight your DUI charge, whether you made a poor decision or were falsely accused. Contact us now at 708-321-1223 to discuss your case with our determined criminal defense attorney.

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