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Orland Park Product Liability Lawyer

Product Liability Attorney Located in Orland Park, IL

How many different products have you used, seen, or heard about today? If you are like most Americans, your answer is probably hundreds or even thousands. You rightfully expect that each and every one of them should be safe for their intended uses. Unfortunately, defective products do make it through production and into our lives. Faulty items can cause accidents, injuries, and illnesses.

If you can prove certain facts, you may be eligible for compensation through a product liability claim if a defective product has harmed you. Our highly skilled personal injury attorney from the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. can help you get the full compensation you deserve. We proudly serve injury victims in Cook, Will, and DuPage Counties from our convenient location in Orland Park. We work diligently to ensure that the at-fault parties will be held accountable for your losses.

Understanding Product Liability in Illinois

Consider the steps a product goes through before you buy or use it. Someone designs, manufactures, and distributes the item. Each of these individuals, businesses, and organizations has a duty to ensure that you will not come to harm from a product if you use it according to directions. If you become ill or sustain an injury because a product was defective or faulty, you can take steps to recover compensation.

It can be challenging to obtain a settlement for defective products without the assistance of a knowledgeable attorney from the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C.. We will investigate your injury or illness and find the evidence we need to support your claim. Qualifying situations typically fall into one of three main categories:

  • Design defects: Something in the way the product was designed made it dangerous, even when used as intended.
  • Manufacturing defects: The manufacturing process did not follow product design, used inferior parts, or created a hazardous item. Because of the defect, the product failed and harmed the user.
  • Labeling or warning defects: The manufacturer, marketing company, or seller did not provide clear instructions on proper use, which should include warnings about potential risks. Failing to warn consumers about food allergies, potential drug interactions, and items that are dangerous by nature can cause people to suffer serious harm.

A lack of proper testing or poor quality control may contribute to these defects. However they happen, you may have to pay the price if you have been harmed by using these products. When you choose the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., we will fight aggressively to make the parties who were responsible for your injuries will be held accountable for their negligent actions.

Types of Defective Products That May Qualify You for Compensation

Whether you use them at work, at home, or at play, a wide variety of products might harm you or your family, such as:

  • Children's car seats or toys
  • Prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • Medical devices or products
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Automobile parts
  • Foods
  • Skincare or beauty products
  • Power tools
  • Home appliances

Some products, like knives, chainsaws, and firearms, are inherently dangerous. However, if consumers follow instructions when using these items, they should not be harmed. The harm you or your family may experience may involve allergic reactions, electrocution, choking, infections, or severe physical wounds. If a defective car part causes a car accident, your injuries may be even more serious.

Compensation in Product Liability Cases

Before you can collect compensation, an investigation will need to be performed to find out why the product was defective and who was responsible. Then, the value of all your qualifying damages can be calculated. You may file an insurance claim against the at-fault party's policy. Working with the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. will give you a much better chance of receiving the full compensation you deserve. You might be eligible for damages including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Replacement services and ongoing care
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other adverse impacts on your quality of life

We cannot tell you how much your settlement might be until we discuss the unique aspects of your case, so call the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C. now for your free consultation.

Contact Our Orland Park, IL Product Liability Attorney Today

Trying to hold big companies liable for the harm you suffer can seem hopeless. You need a strong legal advocate on your side who can protect your rights. At the Law Office of J. Francis Barker, P.C., we stand ready to advocate for your rights against even the largest companies. We will not be intimidated, and we will not let them take advantage of you. Attorney J. Francis Barker will handle your case personally to ensure that you can achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us 24/7 at 708-321-1223 for your free consultation with our highly effective defective products attorney.

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